Hey James,
Welcome! I'm new here myself and I can tell you one of the best things about this site is that there are really no flaming insults or heated arguments at all. Just a lot of great people talking about cooking. Yeah, it's rare these days. That's why it's such a great place to hang out. Enjoy yourself!
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Another Philly Smoker
Originally posted by James Holden View PostHuskee Just did my homework can I have a gold star?! ha Good tips though. I have some experience with other forums- subaru forester, home theater, etc and yours works beautifully in comparison. I know that did not happen overnight so I congratulate the whole amazing ribs crew for the effort and success! I will say that I wish there was some heated arguments on here, its always fun to watch those, but I know what its
like to be infuriated by prick posts so I guess I can live without it. (can I say prick on here?haha)
I am never going back to gas! I fiddled with wood chip boxes, indirect heat and a litany of other tips (maybe some from your site) but boy oh boy was I glad I had a budget and access to Amazingribs when my last grill died, because I got my Weber Kettle and boy every scrap of food that comes off it is delicious. Plus I feel like I joined a secret society of soot covered carnivores. (my 8th grade English teacher would kill me for all the I's I just used)
I hope to contribute in some minor way to your site and THANKS AGAIN!
Charcoal & wood are just hard to beat flavorwise. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE a steak or burger done on a gasser. But I LOVE (<--- see the italics?) those done over wood or charcoal. Plus, fire is fun!
Oh, and I'll give you your gold star when your signature is filled out See tip #1 here for instructions.
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Huskee Just did my homework can I have a gold star?! ha Good tips though. I have some experience with other forums- subaru forester, home theater, etc and yours works beautifully in comparison. I know that did not happen overnight so I congratulate the whole amazing ribs crew for the effort and success! I will say that I wish there was some heated arguments on here, its always fun to watch those, but I know what its
like to be infuriated by prick posts so I guess I can live without it. (can I say prick on here?haha)
I am never going back to gas! I fiddled with wood chip boxes, indirect heat and a litany of other tips (maybe some from your site) but boy oh boy was I glad I had a budget and access to Amazingribs when my last grill died, because I got my Weber Kettle and boy every scrap of food that comes off it is delicious. Plus I feel like I joined a secret society of soot covered carnivores. (my 8th grade English teacher would kill me for all the I's I just used)
I hope to contribute in some minor way to your site and THANKS AGAIN!
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Welcome to The Pit James Holden! Nice to have you here with us. Great intro! Charcoal + meat is really really good. I LOVE the food from a gas grill, it makes a darn fine steak. Because of that, for years I had no desire to use a charcoal grill, thinking I had to us lighter fluid, deal with all that ash flying around, etc...then when I finally decided to round out into the world of smoking and using charcoal & wood, wallah! I haven't looked back.
Since this is your first post, please check out our homework assignment post for new members, it contains a few how-tos and please-dos. This will help you learn your way around so you can get the best experience from our forum.
Also, it's very important that you add the domain AmazingRibs.com to your email safe list in case you are ever drawn as our monthly Gold Medal Giveaway winner!
Hope to hear & see more from you!
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Ooooo I like your metal plate insert. I was thinking of things to add some thermal density maybe that and a brick plus the SnS would be a cheap upgrade. Thanks for the idea!
I was just checking out the SnS! Probably going to order shortly.
James Holden, Welcome to The Pit! Check Out a S 'n S Accesory for your Weber Kettle(less than $100) and a temp controller if the Sheckles will allow! A DigiQ-2 temp controller is + $200, but there are others i.e. The Auber etc. You should be able to find links on the AR Home Page under ratings and reviews! Eat Well and Prosper! From Fargo ND, Dan4 Photos
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Welcome to the Pit! I suggest you give the SlowNSear a try before you venture into the high end stuff. If you are not ready to purchase the SnS give Meathead's set up a try for the Weber or try the snake method.
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