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Hi from California!

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  • Donw
    Welcome from Maryland

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  • Stuey1515
    Welcome from Oz, you will like it here

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  • Draznnl
    Welcome from Chicagoland.

    I'd second STEbbq 's suggestion of sous vide. I've been doing my steaks SVQ and have been very happy with my results.

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  • willxfmr
    Welcome from Wisconsin. Glad you could join us!
    4 minuets seems like a long time to be searing at 600°. The answer is to follow what Fireman suggests and pull them sooner, or use the front sear method suggested by RonB. My preference is to use the front sear method. It gives me much less guessing, and no noticeable difference in the end result.

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  • mcook2201
    Greetings and welcome from North Carolina.

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  • FireMan
    Pull em at 90-95. Welcome, eat good and have fun!

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  • MBMorgan
    Since the good advice is already starting to flow, I’ll just say Welcome from Colorado …

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  • RonB
    You have run into the problem I see when using reverse sear. It's just very hard to predict the final temp using reverse sear. When searing, the temp is so high that there is a fair amount of temp rise after you pull the steak. With a ton of practice, it gets easier, but I find a front sear works better for me. When cooking at 250°, there will be less, (more predictable), carryover.

    When I cook steaks, I front sear hot and then finish around 250°. Because you are finishing at a low temp instead of a high temp, there will be less carryover, and less of a chance of over shooting your final temp. We like our steaks on the lower side of medium and I pull at 140°. I don't rest, but serve right away. If I'm watching, and pull at the correct temp, they always turn out as we want them.

    Almost forgot - Welcome to The Pit.
    Last edited by RonB; July 18, 2021, 09:02 PM.

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  • Mr. Bones
    Howdy from Kansas Territory, Welcome to Th Pit!

    Lookin forward to learnin along with, an from ya!

    Probly th least outta th 17,000+ folks here qualified to talk bout anything 'Normal'...


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  • STEbbq

    I am gonna suggest something different. If you want precise temp control, how about sous vide and a Joule?

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  • jackfrost86
    started a topic Hi from California!

    Hi from California!

    Hi everyone! Super excited to be here! I’m in northern California, started getting into bbq this past winter when I got a BGE and now reading everything good I can find.

    Have a simple beginner question for you all. I’ve been reverse searing steaks (ribeyes, ny strip, usually about 1.5” thick) and they’ve come out really well. But one problem I’m having is that I keep aiming for medium rare and they keep coming out medium. Still tasty but I want to hit the right temp. I’m on the BGE, cook them indirect until instant read therm says 115 IT, then take out the deflector and get it to 600+ and cook them for 4 min, flipping every minute until the outside is nice and seared. But usually by then the IT is 130 and they come out medium after resting for a couple minutes while I get everything else ready to eat.

    What temps do people usually take steaks off indirect? Most things I can find online say 115-125 — is it normal to pull at 110 instead?


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