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Added an oven outdoors

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    Added an oven outdoors

    To save you a bunch of reading, it is Gozney Arc XL

    also GolfGeezer posting his really triggered a purchase.

    save the time, just skip to photo’s..

    I have wanted an outdoor pizza oven in the worse way for a few years now, I just could not bring myself to it. One being I never have believed I could make a better pizza outside than I can in my oven (limited to most outdoor pizza ovens, certainly there are exceptions,) yet, Chris Bianco says it’s not the oven, it’s the person running it, and developing the dough. I also truly believe this more than anything.

    Since I have been so stubborn on the quality of final pizza difference, I was left hoping at some-point I would get to play with a few, which I did, but not as many as I had hoped. My sister lent me her ooni, an earlier model with pellets. I was not impressed with that at all, but I know as with most things, they have certainly improved over time but the folding legs, the 12 inch capacity for size, etc.l. Well I’m a bull in a china shop when it comes to my chair and my dexterity, and that just would end up being thrown in the road and ran over at some point, so I ruled out the smaller oven. Which continuously pointed me to Gozney dome dual fuel, even though I thought the Rocc Box from Gozney was likely built better than an Ooni, it was still a hard no because of size. And the original dome was just more than I wanted to spend.

    Can I have a wood fired pizza oven, the answer is, safely, no. We have such a narrow back yard, and so many leaves land in our gutters, the embers floating away kind of scare me to be honest, my neighbor is a lieutenant with the FD here, and I’d rather not be the guy who is that guy, lol. The other side of wood is, I don’t cut it anymore, and do I really want to pay others for that, the answer is no, (as of right now).

    Enter earlier this year my neighbor borrowed me his Kettle Pizza attachment for my kettle. I burned a lot of fuel in that working through how to run it in various ways. I’ll start by saying you can make a really good pizza in that. It is not meant to be a party pizza oven, keeping that small amount of fire space maintained for long periods of times, while it’s possible, it’s more work than I wanted. The thing that did happen though was…. I suddenly felt I wanted a pizza oven outside.

    I switched my thoughts from better pizza to, I can with greater efficiency burn through 10 doughs, than I can in my oven, so if it is a Saturday and I want to bake 30 doughs to just mess around.. no biggy. (Not sauces or toppings).). Which now opens up so much, the Gozney was my favorite though) Through all of my searching Gozney started showing up in my wife’s newsfeed and she commented how nice those ovens look. My jaw dropped… but I did not want to push my luck. Then the ARC XL showed up in my FB newsfeed and I was doomed, it just came out at the exact moment I wanted to do this. Then Ooni came out with their 24 inch and my ego shot through the rough thinking of 20 inch pizzas…… with a few days I had removed myself from any weird need to proving something with a 20 inch pizza, which really left me at not getting a pizza oven at all.

    Enter GolfGeezer getting his Gozney, and literally a few days later I went on a pizza bender, and by the time I was through 2 weeks of making several pizzas a day. I pulled the trigger on a ArcXL, and for now have ordered a 30 x 36 stainless cart with casters and locks on wheels. I also could not help but laugh at thinking to where hoovarmin commented saying, a new era for FK had begun. He could not have been more right,

    ‘’in the past years I have had summers where I smoked 100 plus racks of ribs for parties, friends etc.. I just do not have that energy anymore, I have no need to work that hard to prove anything anymore in my bbq, yet, those cooks taught me so much. And maybe another time, or for the right reason I will pull out some larger bbq’s. What happens right away is the ability to help friends out and host parties, just with a pizza focus now.

    Better pizza than oven, better than Weber? Too soon to say, my guess, no. Just different pizza

    snd for comparisons.

    these came off a Weber with kettle pizza

    Click image for larger version  Name:	ADB03835-8A99-4E7E-B98B-5F4CB9F0D1DD.jpg Views:	18 Size:	389.3 KB ID:	1627202

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    Home Oven

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    and a few from my first cook in the Gozney.

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    so I took photo's and showed the comparisons in a Neapolitan style crust, I have not tested the Gozney o a NY slice yet, but tomorrow likely I will as I am hosting family pizza party this weekend. Not sure which oven gets used, likely both,

    Well that was a lot to type, but my reasons, but the reason that made it happen most, and my wife being super on board? It was the last time we hosted her family for a pizza party, everyone wanted to come back and do it again, and again.. I loved it, I got to serve my pizza, but last time I was inside for an hour, this will allow me to be around family instead. And of course, the efficiency will expedite my learning.

    The most amazing part, I did not need to get rid of a grill. I floated the idea of moving the 26 kettle to the front yard to cook burgers, brats, chicken, etc for neighborhood. My wife just said sounds like a great place to put it. And my 26 still lives here, just a greater duty of feeding neighbors.
    Last edited by Richard Chrz; July 24, 2024, 04:42 PM.

    As proud as I am of being a, now, certified Pit MCS Enabler, I was a bit terrified to start reading your post. Then I saw the photos of your results. Fabulous, and what a relief to see how well it worked for you! I’m still amazed at how fast and hot it gets, and how quickly it cooks. The one trick I’ve learned, for me, is to turn the burner down almost to low just before putting a pie in to cook. It helps me avoid too much char while I learn how to turn the pies while cooking. Plus reduces the burning of toppings. Yours look yummy! Pie On!


    • Richard Chrz
      Richard Chrz commented
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      Thank you, yeah, it heats up pretty quickly, I have so many questions already on running cooks. Looking forward to my turning peel arriving, and the fun I’m going to have with it.

    I don't think it matters what oven you use Richard - ya got it.


      That margherita pizza looks perfect, as good as anything I've ever seen.


        We will all benefit from this purchase!


          It’s not the cooker…it’s the cook! Enjoy, Richard!


            Awesome looking pizza in all 3 cookers in my book Richard Chrz ! I am happy for you to have a new cooker too! I would be tempted to sear a steak in an outdoor pizza oven too....

            All that said, dang Richard! I've resisted a pizza oven as I knew the great Richard Chrz of pizza and bread making fame didn't need one! Dagnabit. And I kept saying to myself that I can do it outside with my kamado if I really want, albeit with a 1 hour setup time to get to pizza making temps! Now you are gonna make a liar out of me and force MCS and a propane powered pizza oven down my throat! Good job!


            • Richard Chrz
              Richard Chrz commented
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              Searing steaks, and all sorts of ways I’m going to try it out, it’s going to be fun. I still think a home oven is pretty awesome for pizza, but buying cookers is kind of fun too!

            Wow! I didn't think your pies would get better......silly me.


              There’s a lot of difference between a cook and an artist. You are an artist of incredible ability. You understand the process from making the dough through the cook. Your powers to observe and adjust are unique among the people I get to watch. Way to go Richard. I have to go back through your posts and learn how to make that beautiful crust in the first few pictures.


              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                Thank you sir, I take those kind words with humility, I don’t make the best pizza, the most pizza, etc.. but I am trying to make the very best that I know how to make right now, and to push that “knowing”part.

              Congratulations on your new cooker Richard. It absolutely shocks me not that your initial, experimental pies look what the rest of us would call great. I bet you are going to have loads of fun with that pizza oven. Enjoy.


              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                Thank you, I am going to have fun, no doubt. Initial pie, you have to remember that I have launched a lot of pizzas and bread on a peel, I think it gives me a learning curve advantage. But I was very happy I did not screw it up.

              • Alan Brice
                Alan Brice commented
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                I have always said, "If you are not screwing things up, you are not doing anything."
                You are the definition of an artist Richard Chrz he who works with his head n hands n heart. Amazing crust!

              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                Alan Brice I totally buy into that, and if you are not screwing up, you’re not even trying to get better. The screw ups just constantly evolve to a different part of the larger process. .
                Last edited by Richard Chrz; July 25, 2024, 09:48 AM.

     nailed it on the first try.


              • Richard Chrz
                Richard Chrz commented
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                I get lucky from time to time,

                But really, it is the insane amount of bread and pizza I have already done using a peel. They are like a good chef knife to me, comfortable, Still have lot’s to learn though.
                Last edited by Richard Chrz; July 24, 2024, 03:00 PM.

              Congrats on the new oven Richard. You are truly talented!


                Congrats on the new Gozney! Looking forward to seeing how you feel it works for you as I may look for one. Those pies do look fantastic.


                  Congratulations Richard...You are a Pizza Master!


                  Welcome to the cult of Gozney!



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