Okay, this is getting to be really, really weird. And it just happened again. And it is freaking me out. So for the past four or so cooks on the Weber, when I take the cover off, 3-4 tree frogs come leaping out of the cover. Often on to me. (I do this odd combination of yelp and scream. I should record it sometime. Yall'ed love it.)
One time when I forgot to close the bottom vents, they were actually in the kettle itself.
What is so odd is that they are never under the cover or in my PBC. Maybe they are just into direct grilling and don't care for this slow-smoked stuff?
Fast Eddy's Cook Shack PG 1000
Humphrey's Pint with Fireboard + Pit Viper
Hasty-Bake 256 Gourmet Dual Finish
Camp Chef DLX pellet pooper/sear burner/jerky rack
Broil King Keg Kamado
Charbroil Kamander
Original Pit Barrel Cooker
Barrel House Cooker
Akorn Kamado with cart
WSM 22 with Flame Boss
WSM 18.5 with Flame Boss
Weber Kettle Performer (with Slow n Sear/Drip n Griddle)
Weber Jumbo Joe
Weber Smokey Joe
Weber Q gasser with stand
Blackstone Griddle 22 with stand and lid
Blackstone Griddle 36
Akorn Kamado jr
If you grill up some frog legs, they won't be able to jump anymore.
If their legs were to grow back you would have an ongoing supply for frog legs.
Happy grilling to you.
My kettle, just like my PBC, is black and so are the cover. The only difference, now that I think about it, is that I store the Weber closer to the house and it is nearly always in shadow. The PBC is stored further out on the patio and is usually in the afternoon sun.
Let's just say I now take the cover off the Kettle with a significant amount of timidity.
Are these frogs large, like 2 or three inches? You may have Cuban Tree Frogs.
We have them in Florida. They are invasive and have decimated the native population of the nice little green tree frogs we all played with as kids. They are also prone to getting into electrical junction boxes, etc. and wrecking havoc. They also secrete a toxin that is nasty to the skin and eyes.
I have a 4 foot long piece of pvc pipe that I use to knock them off the walls, light fixtures, grill covers, etc. As they lay on the ground, they are dispatched with prejudice.
I would have never guessed there were tree frogs in the middle of Texas, I’m not in the desert, but dry and hot is the default weather. These live in my Live Oak trees and when it gets wet we find them on the cars or in the boat.