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Members Mark Gasser?

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    Members Mark Gasser?

    Anyone have experience with this Members Mark grill? It looks like a copy\clone of the Weber Genesis, or close to it. Curious about the performance etc.. Click image for larger version

Name:	membersmark.PNG
Views:	394
Size:	97.4 KB
ID:	990197

    Many who purchase Member's Mark Grills are pretty happy with them. This brand is not in the same class as Weber, but if your expectations are realistic, it may not be a bad choice for you. You could do worse.


      #3 Here’s a link to Consumer Reports review. If it doesn’t open for you, here’s a snapshot of their review. I had a Makers Mark gas grill 10-12 years ago. If I remember right it was pretty good, especially for the price. I didn’t have any glaring issues with it. I think the igniter went out after a while, but cheap and easy to replace.

      EDIT: I just noticed this might not be the same model as the one you posted. But overall the Makers Mark gas grills look to be good quality. I’d take a look at it if I was in the market.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by Panhead John; February 15, 2021, 12:01 PM.


      • Mark-B
        Mark-B commented
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        Thx for the info., that helps. Funny, I’ve had to replace my igniter 3 times on my Weber Summit.

      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        It’s a common theme with a lot of gas grills I think. Keep your Bic handy.

      My only concern with any Member's Mark grill would be the ability to get repair parts such as burners 10 years down the road. If you go in expecting to replace it in 5 years, that probably is not a big deal, but the Weber Genesis I got in 2002 is still a good grill, and I can find parts for it. The grills I see there do tend to seem to have a lot of bang for the buck, but I tend to stay with name brand grills because I keep them for so long.


      • Mark-B
        Mark-B commented
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        Some interest. I called Sam's club about the grill. They said it has a lifetime warranty under the "Warranty:This product is covered by the Sam's Club Member Satisfaction Guarantee." Any part that is defective they will take care of it. I may consider this for my Summit replacement, but want to see it physically first. Sometimes pictures look a lot better than the product is.

      My Member’s Mark gasser was my only grill for over 10 years, until it rusted out and I switched to BGE/Weber Performer. I say over 10 years, it was probably more like 15. It was a damn good grill. I never covered it, never serviced it, just changed the tank when it ran out. I remember reading somewhere that they were made by Vermont Casting, but I have no verification of that.


      • Mark-B
        Mark-B commented
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        They look curiously similar to the Weber Genesis (really the older models or older Summit such as mine). I haven't seen one in Sams yet, but maybe i will closer to spring time. My concern is also what was mentioned above. The availability of parts and the length of warranty.

      My friends have a MM flat top and love it. No experience with the gas grills but they look solid.


        My good friend has a built in Members Mark gasser, has had it for many years in his house - at least 16 years, as that’s how long I’ve known him. He’s done fine with it and never had complaints. And it was a big gasser as well. If you would like any specifics, let me know and I can reach out to him with those for you.


        • Mark-B
          Mark-B commented
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          I was surprised that Sams said it was lifetime guarantee. I’m usually a Weber guy, but when I’m finally ready to give up my nearly 20 year old summit, I may buy this one. I think I have another season left in my Weber, but then again, I’ve been saying that for 5 years now. It sounds like your friend has had good luck with his which is encouraging.


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