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I never thought I’d say this!

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    I never thought I’d say this!

    I miss my gasser. There I said it. I don’t miss a specific one per say, but have grown to really like the little Traveler I picked up. It’s still at the in-laws house a couple hundred miles away since they had lots of extra space to haul it to and from Northern Minnesota. So, I need a weekend to go get it or at least a good chunk of a day if we come up with a reason to meet halfway and exchange various things of each other’s.

    Anyway, what’s started as buying some new furniture to make the boss happy has turned into a sprawling remodeling project. Once the furniture was ordered and we found out there is a 5-6 week delay, it was decided that the room should be painted (including ceilings). Then the carpet might as well be replaced. Before the carpet is installed I should probably replacing some subfloors that squeak all winter long. Then it was realized that the furniture, paint and carpet will really clash with the blinds, so better replace those too. So, not only has the cost quickly doubled from furniture, the work keeps expanding. There’s 12 corners and 4 windows without counting the bath, water closet and walk in (which she also wants painted if we can get done before carpet arrives).

    Anyway, I miss the gasser being able to cook quick burgers or steaks when trying to get project stuff done. The MAK isn’t that much slower or harder, but it needs another deep cleaning before I can really use it again (something I’m really still learning about and trying to determine why I seem to need 10x more often than other MAK owners).

    Yes, a gasser is very handy when you have peeled onion syndrome!


    • glitchy
      glitchy commented
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      I just hope there aren’t many more layers. I don’t enjoy home projects like I used to and my knees haven’t fully recovered from a sound booth I built at church 3-4 years ago where I spent too much time crawling around on hard floors.

    As someone who cooks outside nearly every single day, I find the argument for a gas grill to be very strong. I have no desire to get the charcoal going for something that won't take any of the flavors.

    I've been so happy to have my Weber Spirit here at the cabin to replace my Weber Q3200 I haven't even fired up the 22" yet. But that'll change soon enough.

    Good luck with your projects. Bear in mind, when the carpet does come it'll probably clash with the rest of the flooring in the house, and the fresh paint on the ceiling will look best if it's repainted in every single room.


    • glitchy
      glitchy commented
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      LOL, I’ve already said that nothing else gets painted inside this year, because the exterior needs painted this fall too :-(

    • Attjack
      Attjack commented
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      I'm in the same boat. Endless maintenance and uprades perhaps for the rest of my life.

    • glitchy
      glitchy commented
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      Then while you are upgrading the boat usually springs a leak, the joys of home ownership. The wife and I talked about having a house built versus doing all the upcoming maintenance and decided with houses similar to ours in size going for double what we paid 11 years ago, we’ll just stay. I know we’d get some of it in selling ours, but the difference still pays for a lot of remodeling.

    i just bought a new gasser. Broil King Signet. I had an earlier version of this grill and really liked it. Very handy for certain uses. They're great for when you want to cook something quick on a hot day without heating up the kitchen. I plan on adding some grill grates.


      I haven't looked back since I bought our secondhand Blaze Professional gasser. I use it a lot during the week for quick dinners. Just the ability to click to start and cook within minutes is worth it to me. I feel your pain!


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        I need to convince my Father-in-law I need his guidance on the subfloors to get him down here with my Traveler. He’s got a lot more experience with bigger projects, so it wouldn’t be a huge stretch. Though I usually bribe him with the BBQ I’m not finding time to make right now.

      Nothing wrong with having (and really, really, liking) a good gasser. In retirement, I'm becoming more and more of a minimalist ... which I guess is why I find a good gasser (Weber EP-330) and equally good pellet pooper (Grilla OG) to serve very well as my current "ideal" combo solution. So chin up, chest out, and pass that gas like you mean it!!!
      Last edited by MBMorgan; July 13, 2021, 03:44 PM.


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        I’ve looked at those Genesis 330’s many times. If I had a bigger patio, I’d probably have one. They’re nice grills. would love that sear burner.

      • jfmorris
        jfmorris commented
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        I am sorta in that boat too, mostly using 2 cookers the past year, the SNS kamado and a flat top.

      Could not agree more. Doing some burgers right now. I will tell you that I would suggest looking at the Grilla Primate. The more I research that company and that cooker it is solid. Just a thought.


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        I don’t know that I need another, I think just getting mine home will suffice, or at least I hope it will. It’s not as nice as a Genesis or that Grilla, but seems to cook pretty well and I can fold it up when not in use.

      • DavidNorcross
        DavidNorcross commented
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        glitchy I am afraid you are getting the itch. The MCS itch. You can say you are not but you can only fight it so long....thinking of you.

      • Potkettleblack
        Potkettleblack commented
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        If my Genesis was anywhere near the end of it's life, that Primate would be pending shipping in Michigan right now... that this is cool.

      Last month I went on a bourbon-touring vaca to Frankfort KY and the hotel we stayed at there had two Napoleon Prestige gassers on their back patio. We picked up a pack of 1.5" thick Prime strips from the Costco in Lexington, plus a pack of chicken legs for the kiddos. It's been years since I've run a gasser. Those babies were NICE! Of course, I was standing there the whole time, w/ my Thermapen, and wasn't doing anything low & slow so I didn't need that particular convenience that other cookers might excel at. Gassers are a valuable tool.


      • CaptainMike
        CaptainMike commented
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        My best buddy just got a Nap and loves it.

      • Attjack
        Attjack commented
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        I don't bother with anything low or slow on gas.

      • Attjack
        Attjack commented
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        If I end up building a house on the coast I will definitely want a marine grade grill out there. Does Napoleon make them that way? I assume the probably do.

      The evil "Might as well." In our first house I remember taking Kathy out into the breezeway that connected our house and garage to show her where I was going to install a bench to enjoy the breezes at night. Well, one "Might as well" piled up on top of another "Might as well," until the bench had morphed into a two story addition.🙂


      • glitchy
        glitchy commented
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        That’s a huge onion.

      Well, now I know why we are not getting glorious MAK updates regularly. It is okay....i can wait a bit longer for my MAK fix.


        Click image for larger version

Name:	759F9C51-CE16-45E2-8891-1AFF8010CFCE.jpeg
Views:	458
Size:	254.9 KB
ID:	1059768 Oh yes. My little Charbroil Grill2Go X200 is indispensable. I haven’t used my Weber Genesis 3 burner in years but I use the " mini gasser" as I call it at least once a week.


        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          BTW, haven’t opened it yet, but wife got mail and asked if I knew a jfrosty, so it arrived today.

        • Attjack
          Attjack commented
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          People seem to love be those things.

        As a very sperianced veteran on this here site, I do wish to sprinkle sum wisdom on ya. Ya have ta at least keep this post in mind, better a detailed account of things, like original plans & cost, then when activity overruns were decided & ensuing cost overruns. Every last move & penny, everything! So the next time yer just even thinkin about a nuther cooker ya got all yer ammunition available & loaded if need be. Boy are you in good shape. We all envy yer position, yessir. All the blinds, carpet & colors ‘ll never make ya feel like a good cooked meal, no sir!


        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          I’ve been eyeing those MB 800’s, why do you think I’m doing this After I bought the MAK, she said something to the effect of "I’m OK with the MAK, but if another grill shows up before I get new bedroom furniture, so help me…" I mighta missed the rest, but I remember the look on her face while she said it.

        Well I’m becoming convinced that a good flatttop plus a decent size dedicated smoker is all you really need for 95% of cooking.


        • Murdy
          Murdy commented
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          How hot will a good flattop get?

        • glitchy
          glitchy commented
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          I know lots of people love them, but I had a Blackstone and didn’t really use it. I guess just not my thing.

        • Polarbear777
          Polarbear777 commented
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          I've cooked on the camp chef 600 and hit 500F easily. Conduction takes care of the rest.

        Although not a pellet grill, gasers are handy, quick, and need less maintenance.
        A little cheap "throwaway" gaser might get you by during your remodel.
        I have a little gaser for weekend outings. Hardly gets used. when in use glad I have it.

        Happy BBQ to you.

        Last edited by bbqLuv; July 13, 2021, 06:02 PM.


          yea glitchy i too missed my gasser so i went out and got a Weber 14" Smokey Joe Charcoal Grill,
          Last edited by Planner47; July 13, 2021, 06:56 PM.



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