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LSG Offset FS in the Houston Area

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    LSG Offset FS in the Houston Area

    Any Houstonians interested in a LSG pipe smoker this looks like a smoking deal. If mine weren't coming in a few days I'd saddle up head to the Lone Star State and snap this thing up.
    Last edited by CaptainMike; March 7, 2021, 05:48 PM.

    Does Flathead John know his Mother is selling her smoker?


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      If you mean Knucklehead John I'm not sure.

    • Clark
      Clark commented
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      HawkerXP Or Pinhead John

    Troutman LSG! LSG! LSG!


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      Oh yeah, the Trout Meister was the first one I thought of!

    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      Not interested. Too big, plus I sold my stick burner back in 2018, didn’t feel like tending fires. Now if that was one of their cabinets, it might be a different story !!

    • Spinaker
      Spinaker commented
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      WE have been trying for a while now to test one of their cabinets. I long for the day to get the call on that one. Troutman

    Looks like an awesome grill, cant get one right now though.


      Dang...... if I was still in Houston, I’d absolutely be a player on that!


        That’s a great price


          Who in there right mind would get rid of an LSG?🤷🏼🤦🏼
          That’s just insane. Gotta be family and or health issues.

          I would sleep in mine if it came to that. That is of course if I could fit inside it. 😁


          • Panhead John
            Panhead John commented
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            Steve B It is a tight fit. No room for a pillow.

          If anyone is interested, you might want to see if you can get updated pics, those are 8.5 years old, probably the first cook on it.


          • HawkerXP
            HawkerXP commented
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            Not to mention you're going to have to change your name to Janis!

          You have to give who ever bought it credit. Knew his wife would blow a gasket if he got it for himself so he brought it for the MIL! Perfect!


            We finally got a real photo of Panhead John, even if it is 8 years old!


              Wow, this is very tempting with being all of 3 hours away (assuming it looks almost as good after 8 years). And as a justification, I sold my last offset because of the move from Oregon - so a replacement is definitely needed. I'll just need to convince the wife....


              • CaptainMike
                CaptainMike commented
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                Those things are built like tanks, and unless there's some sort of structural damage a Saturday of scrubbing and cleaning and a bit of high temp paint and it should be good as new. I am certain the folks at LSG would be more than happy to help you out with advice and/or parts. Man, it would be cool if someone from The Pit picked this up.

              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
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                I emailed her and asked if she had any more recent pics. I’ll report back and post them if I hear back from her.
                UPDATE: The lady answered my email and said she does have recent pics of the smoker. I emailed her back and told her who I was and why I wanted some recent pics. I told her I’d post them here for her if she’s interested. Keep y’all posted.
                Last edited by Panhead John; March 8, 2021, 05:18 PM.

              • Spinaker
                Spinaker commented
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                Better to ask for forgiveness

              Hey guys, here are some recent pics she sent me. Still looks pretty good! Nothing a wire brush and high heat paint can’t fix.
              Attached Files


              • Loren
                Loren commented
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                I'm currently formulating a strategy to (hopefully) sell my wife on this 😎

              • Spinaker
                Spinaker commented
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                Thanks for the pics! I wanna see one of you get this baby. Loren Panhead John

              • Panhead John
                Panhead John commented
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                Thanks Spinaker but I’m not in the running for this. I just asked for the pics for Loren or whoever might be interested. Although Loren would be an ideal candidate. I’m betting he’ll be able to smooth talk his wife into letting him get it. After he buys her that new car she’s always wanted. 🚗 Cmon man, we’re all rooting for you!

              Well, sadly this is not in the cards for me currently :/ too many new house projects. Sigh...

              On the bright side, my wife was all for me getting a brand new LSG smoker in a year or so when we've got a few projects knocked out 😎


              • Spinaker
                Spinaker commented
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                Nice! Get those projects done so we can see your new smoker next spring!


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