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Ecowper and Panhead John Please Take A Bow…

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    Ecowper and Panhead John Please Take A Bow…

    I have a Weber Performer Deluxe that works just fine, but it’s old, it doesn’t seal tightly enough to kill the coals, there’s no probe port, no "Smoke Hole", and no "Easy Spin Grate," like the SNS kettle, plus ecowper and Panhead John and others keep talking about how much they love their’s. Today I decided to add it to my Christmas list, and this is what pops up on their website:

    Click image for larger version

Name:	0B9CF7AF-D02A-42D8-80F7-0D2B7F04774D.png
Views:	339
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ID:	1137681
    There’s no mention of when they’ll be back in stock and no way to get on a list, so I guess they’ll be out for awhile. Even the left-handed version is sold out. Gentlemen, please take a bow. Your work is done!

    Tis why I got mine when I did, cuz, I just wonder what the cost will be when they come in. No reflection on Dave, but a reflection on the state of things as everything is goin thru the roof Alice.


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      And down the rabbit hole.

    • Sid P
      Sid P commented
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      FireMan I wish I’d had your foresight.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      They shouldn’t be out for very long I’d bet. I’ve seen em out of something before, and within a few weeks, they had them back in stock.

    Dear lort, I was scared you were going to post their twirling routine in the recent parade. Whew, dodged a bullet there.


    • Mr. Bones
      Mr. Bones commented
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      Praise Th Lord, an Pass Th Ammunition, Brother!

      Preferably Hollow Points...Help a Brother out, a Bit...

      I won't squander any rounds, I assure ya; have certification/credentiallin, if'n yer into such thangs...

      Otherwise... wait fer it,,,
      Last edited by Mr. Bones; December 5, 2021, 09:18 PM.

    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      All I can say about that is Rockdale, TX will never be the same, nor get over the shame of that event ever again.

    • ofelles
      ofelles commented
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      Our eyes were so much safer before mobile phones. I miss the old days.
      Last edited by ofelles; December 6, 2021, 10:59 AM.

    Well, the SnS Kamado is still in stock


    • 58limited
      58limited commented
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      Yeah, forgot to mention that. And free shipping.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      Free shipping for them is standard on the cookers….pretty sure. I didn’t get charged shipping on mine either.

    • Sid P
      Sid P commented
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      Shipping was actually my final question. Thanks.

    Hang in there Sid, I’m sure it won’t be long before they’ll have some in stock. Their customer service is second to none! I’d give them a call tomorrow and see what you need to do to get you one. Plus…..they have a real live person who answers the phone! 😱 None of this push 2 for this and 3 for that crap. Example: After I’d put my kettle together, a few days later I had a question about a part I wasn’t sure if I installed properly. A very nice and helpful lady, didn’t catch her name, answered the phone. I told her my problem and asked who I could speak with about it. She said "I can probably help you with that". I then told her what I did as far as the part and where I installed it. Turned out I did it wrong and she patiently answered all my stupid questions and told me how to correctly install it. Wow! How many times have you had a problem with something and #1…A live person answers the phone? #2 How often is it that the person who answers the phone is able to help you? Don’t worry Sid, they’ll have some in stock soon I’d bet, just hold on buddy!


    • CaptainMike
      CaptainMike commented
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      I'm pretty sure she had caller ID and knew with whom she was dealing.
      Last edited by CaptainMike; December 6, 2021, 08:58 AM.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      One of the benefits of my job selling extended car warranties, is my real phone number is spoofed to the people I’m calling.

    • ofelles
      ofelles commented
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      Panhead John No wonder blocking you has not helped!!

    Sid P you are totally welcome. I love stoking others MCS and helping them spend the money burning a hole in their pocket.

    As John says, these guys are great and I'm sure they will have SnS Kettles back in stock soon.


      Sid P and any others reading this, I just called SNS and they don’t expect to have any kettles in stock till early February. Just an FYI.



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