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7.5 pound Sirloin Tip Roast on the PBC

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    7.5 pound Sirloin Tip Roast on the PBC

    Off a home grown calf that dressed 650 pounds. I have plenty to feed that don't want to see any pink on the meat, so 155 minimum it is. Give me time to get plenty all is not lost.

    I sprinkled a good helping of table salt on it Thursday afternoon. Last night (Friday) I applied a little olive oil and plenty BBBR, tied her up, and installed my hooks.

    Both my meat probes read meat temp instantly, then gave the dreaded "LLL." I left the second one connected, and it apparently started operating later.

    0943- Meat "hanging" and on the grate, it is shaped like a butt so I used the hooks to keep it more vertical, but used the grate also since I was on lunch break and would not be back for another 4 hours. Used one rebar, and magnets to cover the other holes just enough to maintain a 250+ temp. Instructed wife to removed magnets a little at a time if temp dropped to 250.

    1400- arrived home, magnets were off, wife said she just removed them. Took the roast off the rebar and laid on grate to bark up better
    1445- pit temp up to 290, covered one hole completely and 90% of the other to bring it down a little. Meat temp- 147 and getting some nice color

    Click image for larger version

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    Didn't get all the bark I wanted all over, but enough to work on a 160 internal chunk of meat.

    6 hour 15 minute cook time

    Should get about 2.5 hours of rest in the faux cambro. Gonna be yummy!!!


      Tell them overdone meat eaters to eat with their mouths not their eyes! Lol.
      Should be tasty either way!


      FOUND IT!


        Turned out alright. Sirloin, so very lean, but sliced thin and not so thin, got tore up plenty. The hubby of the couple we had over is a big guy, he kept going back. Ate everything I was going to send him home with.

        Still a good run if you can't afford prime rib. hahahahaha


          Looks like a really big hunk, gotta be tough to get it tasty if you have to have it brown throughout.


          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            Being home grown helped. Having a deli slicer and slicing really thin for some sammiches would have been better.

          • Jerod Broussard
            Jerod Broussard commented
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            Being home grown helped. Having a deli slicer and slicing really thin for some sammiches would have been better.

          Good news man! WTG


            Man no pics of the big bad roast??


            • Jerod Broussard
              Jerod Broussard commented
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              Demolished....had a pretty neat light smoke ring. Wasn't very dark. Next time this sucker is getting some medium-rare treatment....

            • Huskee
              Huskee commented
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              That's the way to do it my friend! I know you're not a huge wood-on-the-PBC guy, but if you can toss a chunk of two of oak on it you wont be disappointed.

            Originally posted by Jerod Broussard View Post
            Didn't get all the bark I wanted all over, but enough to work on a 160 internal chunk of meat.

            6 hour 15 minute cook time

            Should get about 2.5 hours of rest in the faux cambro. Gonna be yummy!!!

            Not to hijack your thread...

            But, I was like, "what's a cambro". Lol...

            I just googled it and it brought me back here. Awesome!


              Sf, if you move your cursor over my little light bulb icon below my post count, next to my online/offline circle indicator, it will show what model cambro I have. For small cooks I just use the "faux cambro" aka small ice chest.



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