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Cleaning the pit barrrel

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  • fzxdoc
    I occasionally get lid leaks on my PBC. Usually it goes away if I pound the lid rim down in that spot with my fist. It always happens in exactly the same spot, so the problem is with the barrel (at the seam), not the lid. Sometimes if pounding the lid rim down does not work, I wrap a strip of foil around the rim in that area and the temp comes right back down again.

    I don't clean my PBC. Like you, I use aluminum foil (2 sheets, heavy duty) in the bottom under the basket, so cleanup is easy and there is no ash on the barrel's inner surface. I brush the inside of the lid with my gloved hand every once in a while, but that's about it. I always wipe down the experior, though, and allow it to dry before putting the cover on.


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  • Papa Bob
    commented on 's reply
    I think a good dousing of gasoline and fire it up would do the job wouldn't it LOL

  • _John_
    I have to clean the lid once in a while to keep crusties from falling during the cook. I still dump mine (need to get that ash pan) and it leaves the trail of ash that builds up, on occasion I brush it down but that's it.

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  • HC in SC
    I just ordered the new PBC Ash pan that lock on to the firebox - I have yet to try it, but it looks like it would do the trick.

    Easily attach our durable stainless steel ash pan to your coal basket and wash your hands of ashes forever! Shop ash pan accessories for your drum smoker!

    Usually I just dump my ashes out the top. I don't like how some ash residue "sticks" to the sides of the PBC, but it doesn't seem to make a much difference; granted I use lump charcoal in the basket -- I only use 40 briquettes of Kingsford blue to get the lump started as per Noah's instructions.

    I'm looking forward to trying out the new ash pan (and turkey hanger)!

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  • Jerod Broussard
    Never. If I have some charcoal left over, and not enough to really utilize on the next cook, I will place the grate(s) inside, and let her rip with either the lid off, or with a good crack in it.

    If my lid starts to leak a little during a cook, I will push down on it and rotate it a few degrees. I do the same thing with my kettle.

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  • bergmef
    started a topic Cleaning the pit barrrel

    Cleaning the pit barrrel

    Question, how does everyone clean the pit barrel? Do you do any cleaning? What do you use. I use foil under the basket so the ashes are no problem. The lid is another story. I noticed a lot of smoke leaking from around the lid. I have been having a problem keeping the temp down on the barrel. So now I'm curious what everyone else is doing.



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