I'm horrible at only changing one variable at a time. This is my first brisket ever, and why not do it on an overnight cook on the PBC (which is a first also)? It's a 12.5lb Prime from Costco. Looking back I probably over trimmed this one a bit but I learned a lot watching videos here and Franklin's videos.
Start: PBC runs hot at first so I had to use foil to plug some of the holes. I went to bed and set the alarms on the Maverick.
5-hours: No alarms, I get up to check and temp is holding at 253.
7-hours: The alarms are going and the pit temp is at 200, the brisket is in a stall at 163. I remove the remaining foil to get the temps back up. Off to make a COJ.
8-hours: It breaks the stall, temp holding at 227. I decided to wrap then at 168 and back on the grate. I probably should have let it go a bit longer for bark formation now that I'm typing this and looking at the pics.
Start: PBC runs hot at first so I had to use foil to plug some of the holes. I went to bed and set the alarms on the Maverick.
5-hours: No alarms, I get up to check and temp is holding at 253.
7-hours: The alarms are going and the pit temp is at 200, the brisket is in a stall at 163. I remove the remaining foil to get the temps back up. Off to make a COJ.
8-hours: It breaks the stall, temp holding at 227. I decided to wrap then at 168 and back on the grate. I probably should have let it go a bit longer for bark formation now that I'm typing this and looking at the pics.