I spatchcocked mine and hung with two hooks. It worked very well and was easy. I'm curious what the turkey hooks will look like.
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PBC Turkey Hanger
According to the Fedex website, my ash catcher will be here Tuesday. However, we are going to Monterey Thursday, so I won't get to check it out until the next weekend. Bummer.
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They will cash in with Thanksgiving coming up. That's good business sense.
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Pit Barrel is rolling out several neat new items. The Ash Catcher is first. Yes, a turkey hook will be available very soon so stay tuned!
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I see the t shirts they were supposed to have aren't available yet either.
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Interesting, I went back to their site and they took the turkey video I was referencing earlier down. Maybe the hanger is still undergoing some development work and they don't want to publicize it quite yet.
Either way, it was a really cool looking enhancement and could solve some PBCing a turkey pretty nicely I think.
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Hmmm. The only PBC videos I've seen of turkey shows it "whole" and hung by 4 hooks breast side down. I think if I was going to butterfly it I'd just complete the "cut in half" process and cook it like half chickens.
Still gotta try one of these things! They are like impossible to find around these parts, unless you get a 25 pound monster which is all I seem to find in our local markets. I just want a wee thing around 13 to 15 pounds...
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It was in their new turkey cooking video, it basically runs through the turkey so the turkey is almost sitting on top of it.
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I don't see it on the site, where did you see it? I see they have an ash pan now, it needs a little lip I think but looks like a winner to me.
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PBC Turkey Hanger
I was watching some of the PBC videos the other day and saw a new model turkey hanger that looks AMAZING! I love the turkeys on the PBC, only issue is they are hard to butterfly and hang, or hang upside down.
I wrote the PBC folks and they said it would be available for purchase "later this fall". I am really hoping it is out in time for Thanksgiving!
In the mean time, anyone have any unique turkey hanging methods worth trying?Tags: None
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