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Humphrey’s Queb’d Pint No Smoke Flavor

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    Humphrey’s Queb’d Pint No Smoke Flavor

    I have completed 7 cooks on my new Humphrey’s. Food comes out good, but the smoke flavor is on par with my pellet smoker. I get more smoke flavor on my Primo. My set up is briquettes mixed with Band B lump and wood chunks. I am using the water pan and a Flame boss controller. I keep using more wood chunks to try to get more smoke flavor with no success. I have used Pecan, Hickory, and Apple. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    I will be of no help what so ever. But, that is one awesome cooker you have. Not knowin the goins on if that cooker, haven’t used one, I would have done just what you described you did. More help should be on the way.


      I have that cooker. I never have an issue with lack of smoke. How did you set it up? Did you use the water pan? How many chunks?

      I generally use a maze with about 6-8 large chunks of wood. Hardest part is waiting for it to heat up an stabilize. I use apple chunks and oak chunks. It is a big smoker with a big firebox. I would try adding more wood and place some so they ignite early in the cook.


      The only way I can figure you can use a charcoal wood smoker and taste no smoke flavor is that:

      A. You were a Hot Shot Fire Fighter for 30 years and can no longer taste or smell smoke any longer.


      B. You inhale too much smoke during the cooking process and then can not taste it on your food.

      But seriously, B. should not even be possible with a charcoal smoker. Are the charcoal wood gasses totally cut off from the cook chamber? If not, maybe you should consult with a Physician.
      Last edited by lostclusters; April 17, 2021, 01:33 PM.


      • lostclusters
        lostclusters commented
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        Humor was not my intention

      • dcrawford1973
        dcrawford1973 commented
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        I guess you didn’t sense the sarcasm in my response. SMH. Go somewhere else I don’t have time for your foolishness.

      • JGo37
        JGo37 commented
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        Humor, unintentional or intentional, as well as occasional foolishness is highly encouraged here. ;o)

      I use water pan. No maze light a charcoal chimney pour on and yesterday I wished about 10 chunks of apple with all at beginning.


      • Old Glory
        Old Glory commented
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        Sounds like you are doing the right things. They are reverse flow and do have a flow adjuster in the back inside. Call Nichole at Humphrey's to see how to adjust it optimally.

      • Jerod Broussard
        Jerod Broussard commented
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        On my cookers, I'm putting the meat in straight from the coldness, THEN I get fresh lit briquettes which get get dumped right onto a fat wood chunk.

      use a smoke tube or a smoke pouch made from foil


        I don’t have a IVC smoker but have been interested in them for awhile.
        check out Fat E’s bbq channel as he has an LSG offset horizontal and an LSG IVC smoker.
        He does a vid of his set up for getting a comparable smoke flavor in his IVC to his offset.
        It may help with your dilemma.


          I own a Humphrey's down east beast.

          Sorry to say but this sounds a little too subjective to be able to diagnose properly. If you have a high end pellet smoker, it could very well be on par with the hump. Just sayin. That being said here are a few thoughts:

          With the Primo, you could be getting more combustion out of the wood which is enhancing the smoke flavor but on the hump it is smoldering. Try using a blend of chunks and chips but be sure to put the chips on after the meat is in the cabinet. put the chips on the charcoal that is on fire. The goal is to make sure you are not smoldering but fully combusting the chips. The same is true for the chunks but they will inevitably start to smolder.

          The Queb’d Pint is a very wide cabinet smoker, the placement of the food is important. This is especially true if you are running your exhaust at wide open. Also Make sure your intake fan is only at no more than 10 percent. you don't want to force all the air/smoker out of the cooking chamber too fast. You want the smoke to slowly billow out the stack. Not race out like an offset.

          Lastly, I do think lostclusters has a valid point. When I smoke any meat on my humphrey's, weber kettle or my old offset, I have to ask my wife or guests how the smoker flavor is as I can't taste the smoke at all when eating soon after cooking. Its a terrible curse that has gotten worse over the years I've smoked meats. Typically when I eat leftovers the days following the cooks, my taste returns and I can enjoy the smoke.


          • lostclusters
            lostclusters commented
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            One of the gals here recommended taking a shower after cooking to mitigate this effect. And I can vouch for it's effectiveness

          • Dewesq55
            Dewesq55 commented
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            I, too, notice a stronger smoke flavor on leftovers. I never associated it with having my senses overwhelmed by smoke during cooking, but it makes sense to me.

          • dcrawford1973
            dcrawford1973 commented
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            Thanks, I did ask my family and they were in agreement there is a hint of smoke but not much. I will try your suggestions.

          Huh. That’s weird. I’m not gonna be any help but I’ve got a buddy w a Backwoods Chubby and that thing gets great smoke. He doesn’t use a controller though. Have you tried w/o the Flame Boss? What temp do you have it set at? I know w my Primo I get waay better smoke at 275 than 225. Maybe try a little higher temp...?


            Don't have one of these but I use charcoal in a kettle. Some thoughts based on that:

            1) The sensory deadening from having smoke in your face and on your clothes is real. Definitely recommend a shower and clothes change if you're eating after smoking and were around the smoke a lot.

            2) Assuming you're getting plenty of good smoke generated, the time in smoke will affect things of course. If you do a big 2 hour push and then don't refill the wood to keep smoke going, you'll have lighter flavor. Sometimes you want this of course.



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