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Brisket @ Texas BBQ Joints RIP?

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  • DogFaced PonySoldier
    I'm kinda with hoovarmin in that I am not as enamored of brisket as a lot of people seem to be. I've also gotten the "best I've ever eaten" comment from numerous folks about a LOT of my different dishes, including brisket. But while I can eat it, I like it, I don't LOVE it, I don't dream of it, I don't drool over it. My wife definitely prefers most of my other BBQ meats, especially pork products over anything beef-based. She's always telling me to do ribs or pulled pork. I dunno, you got me.

    But I still love COOKING brisket, I still love making brisket for others who seem to appreciate it a lot more than I do. The proper preparation of a brisket is more of a 'badge of honor' for BBQers, I think. It is definitely more touchy in terms of how to get it right than something like a pork butt, which is honestly the easiest thing in the BBQ world to get right and almost impossible to mess up. I can probably do 60 pork butts in a single cook on my big gurl cooker, but I doubt I'll ever NEED to do so. It's just good to have the capability to do so - in my mind, that is, not in reality. lol

    Brisket is the king - kinda like Mercedes or BMW, hard to find mechanics who will touch them, they cost a lot more, they're nice but can be finicky - in the end is it worth it? Or more status symbol? I don't know, but I still like the challenge of cooking it, as opposed to pulled pork which any 5 year old could pull off once I've shown them once or twice. lol

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  • hoovarmin
    commented on 's reply
    I know people in TX are proud of their bbq, and I admire that. However the idea that people east of the Mississippi don't know how to cook brisket is kind of silly. People do live here in Florida that grew up in TX cooking brisket. One might be better than another, but all in all, a brisket is a brisket in the hands of a skilled bbq'r. I'm pretty darned good at it myself. I just don't care for brisket as much as other parts of a cow.

    commented on 's reply
    Jkahnert triggered much? 😂 In all seriousness, I mean I know in 7.2 you admit to being stupid, but you do realize this isn’t Facebook, right?

  • BBQandLove
    commented on 's reply
    I haven’t had any brisket in FL, GA, or AL that was good enough to care about brisket either. One place in Charleston, SC and one in Greenville, SC are producing fine brisket, but the owner used to cook for Franklin in TX. There’s a couple place in NC that are producing fine brisket. That’s about all in the SE.

    I have tried brisket so many places in the south, and other than those few joints, it’s been abysmal.

  • BBQandLove
    commented on 's reply
    Finster it wouldn’t be mine either if I lived on the east coast… there’s a couple places in the Carolina’s that are doing it well. but generally, east of the Mississippi, the brisket sucks.

  • Uncle Bob
    commented on 's reply
    Jkahnert, your condescension is noted which makes you the waste of time to attempt informing. You know nothing about what I know, or have done in life...................which appears to be in character for you.

  • jfmorris
    commented on 's reply
    To make it worse - when I resigned a few months later, he had the gall to offer me a raise to stay - by letting a couple of my engineers go! I think they finally got raises after I left….

  • jfmorris
    commented on 's reply
    Don’t get me started on inflation. I once argued with the owner of the company I was Director of Engineering for about how I needed to give my engineers, not to mention myself, a raise if I wanted to keep them. He, a multimillionaire, had the gall to tell me inflation wasn’t really a thing, and how he didn’t believe in cost of living raises on principle. He preferred incentive based bonuses - which only makes sense for sales…

  • Jkahnert
    commented on 's reply
    Unclebob The chart linked did not include energy costs which fell dramatically, hence the 3.4 % rate. I know nothing I point out will change your mind, just keep believing what you want and by all means, don't let facts get in the way. Oh, and what sense does it make for the government and media to report inflation at over 9% in June ar 2022? Were they under reporting it then?

  • Finster
    commented on 's reply
    Brisket is almost never my first choice when eating BBQ…

  • Uncle Bob
    commented on 's reply
    Jkahnert I did err in saying "headline inflation", I should have said "core inflation". Which goes to my skepticism of honesty by the government. There are quite a few more inflation reports they publish periodically which leads to cherry picking between different outcomes. To your link, the detail list doesn't have a single item at or near the reported 3.1%, they're all higher. How can they report a lower total number? They fudge the figures with "adjustments", to me that's lying.........

  • Panhead John
    commented on 's reply
    WTF?! This place is a bunch of weirdos, I’m outta here!

    ………Newest Trial Member reading this thread

  • texastweeter
    commented on 's reply
    I chose attack helicopter Panhead John

  • mnavarre
    commented on 's reply
    There used to be a family run chain of BBQ joints here in San Diego that did shoulder clod instead of brisket. I think they still have a location in El Cajon, but maybe not. They'd been around since 1944 or 45.

  • texastweeter
    commented on 's reply
    You can do both. I have done it twice. They are MASSIVE. Cook just like a brisket. jfmorris


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