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    Spent 9 hours walking and touring Mall of America in Minnesota
    It is a mall, a very big mall. The nachos we had were great.
    The margaritas and other food never made it to the table.
    I have no desire to return. It's a mall.

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    Sounds like you're enjoying a nice road trip. Are you coming to Michigan to have a steak with my family or are you stopping in WI to see FireMan?


    • bbqLuv
      bbqLuv commented
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      I am back in Oregon

    I was at Mall Of America in 2012 while i was at Camp Ripley doing military this n that..
    Good memories from the tour, except from beeing peppersparayed and tazed... as a part of the the course.. lol
    Was there in february.. damn cold..
    Would love to go back fer a visit.. hint-hint Spinaker


    • Elton's BBQ
      Elton's BBQ commented
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      Skip yep.. i know You locals know of better places.. When i was over there i was lured into all the tourist traps.. But i enjoyed Cabelas

    • HawkerXP
      HawkerXP commented
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      "pepper sprayed and tazed"...............sounds like my last family reunion.

    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      "Was there in February....damn cold.." says the man from Norway.

    I visited the original Margaritaville in Key West way back in the early 90s on a business trip. The place wasn't very big, had a few what were obvious tourists doing the tourist thing so I bellied up to the bar and sat down. Started having a few brews and began a conversation with a couple of local guys about the merits of living in Key West. The night grew on, and I began to notice a few beers just being put in front of me unannounced. No problem down they went. Also began noticing that the tourists were pretty much gone and all that was left were me a a bar full of guys.

    Hmmmm...the beers kept coming, the conversations got a bit provocative and I suddenly felt the urge to leave and calmly made my way out. The next day across the street was an ATM and I needed some cash. While I was standing there seemingly out of nowhere popped these two guys who I had been talking to at the bar the night before. They starting mentioning a party and how they wanted to invite me. I politely declined saying I had dinner plans that evening

    To this day I can safely say that 1) I still don't drink nor particularly like margaritas, 2) not really a Parrot Head and 3) will never return to a Jimmy Buffet bar EVEN if it's in Minnesota.

    Other than that I too have been to the Mall of the Americas AND the even larger West Edmonton Mall in Alberta. Yep they are just big malls.


    • BruceB
      BruceB commented
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      Well, it WAS Key West

    • Elton's BBQ
      Elton's BBQ commented
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      I would have been fooled with mojiitos...

    • FireMan
      FireMan commented
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      Hey! Wanna go to a party?

      There’s this guy named Panhead, he could show ya some neat things.

    Ya mean ya came & went & almost saw the good part of the upper midwest? The Cities don’t count (yer mall thing). But ya missed out on the good part, Minnysotta, Wissconsin & Meeechigan. Too fast & yer home already. Come back in another 4-6 weeks when the gettin gets tremendous, yessir!


    • Troutman
      Troutman commented
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      My parents had a cabin in Minong Wisconsin where we spent our summers. It was an old Bob Scout camp with old wood log cabins on a pristine lake. Those are faded memories. Also have a sister who lives with her husband in Wausau and my mother retired from a company that tired to move her to Milwaukee. Yea I know a little about your place up there ya hoser.


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