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Charcoal sale this year?
I have strong suspicions they’ll do it this year. I just feel it.
Mr. Home Depot himself just called me, I have the inside scoop. 🥸
For another 2 days Ace has Kingsford Original Charcoal Briquettes 16 lb for 6.99.
Here in NW Indiana anyway.
Pretty sure Costco just started the $5 off again as well
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Yeah, I heard they had real bad crops over the winter. The briquet trees were hit the hardest. It was the Vid, coupled with that Texas storm I hear. 🕶
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Home Depot and Lowe’s have always put their KBB on sale the Thursday before Memorial Day and ran it till that Memorial Day Monday. Guess we’ll have to wait till Wednesday to find out. I think that’s when they put out their ads for the weekend. They also have traditionally run those KBB sales for July 4 and Labor Day.
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Ace had a pretty good deal on B&B Lump, 20lbs for $13. Other than that, KBB seems to have stayed pretty consistent last year for about 40 lbs for around $20 a few times last year. Memorial Day is usually around that time that they put it on sale if they’re going to.
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Ain't no pessimist, by any stretch of th imagination...
Too clear-headed to be an optimist...
Reckon I'm summat about a realist...
An, fer Th Official Record...times like they is???
I'm guessin "No"...
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I doubt it. Charcoal pickings have been pretty weak for over a year now.
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Charcoal sale this year?
I wonder if we'll see the usual KBB charcoal sales again. Costco had the Kingsford Professional double bag on sale last week.Tags: None
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