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Done with foodsaver
- Nov 2014
- 14119
- Land of Tonka
John "JR"
Minnesota/ United States of America
Big Green Egg (Large) X3
Blackstone 36" Outdoor Griddle 4-Burner
Burch Barrel V-1
Karubeque C-60
Kamado Joe Jr. (Black)
Lodge L410 Hibachi
Pit Barrel Cooker
Pit Barrel Cooker 2.0
Pit Barrel PBX
R&V Works FF2-R-ST 4-Gallon Fryer
FireBoard (Base Package)
Thermoworks ThermaPen (Red)
Thermoworks MK4 (Orange)
Big Green Egg Plate Setter
Benzomatic TS800 High Temp Torch X 2
Bayou Classic 44 qt Stainless Stock Pot
Bayou Classic 35K BTU Burner
Eggspander Kit X2
Finex Cat Iron Line
FireBoard Drive
Lots and Lots of Griswold Cast Iron
Grill Grates
Joule Water Circulator
KBQ Fire Grate
Kick Ash Basket (KAB) X4
Lots of Lodge Cast Iron
Husky 6 Drawer BBQ Equipment Cabinet
Large Vortex
Marlin 1894 .44 Magnum
Marquette Castings No. 13 (First Run)
Smithey No. 12
Smokeware Chimney Cap X 3
Stargazer No.10, 12
FOGO Priemium Lump Charcoal
Kingsford Blue and White
B&B Charcoal
Apple, Cherry & Oak Log splits for the C-60
Buck 119 Special
Cuda 7' Fillet Knife
Dexter 12" Brisket Sword
Next Major Purchase
Lone Star Grillz 24 X 48 Offset
Great choice! I purchased one on the recommendation of fzxdoc and have used it quite a bit over the last several months. We have vacuum packed so many items I would never have attempted with the Foodsaver. Soups, stews, bread. I also learned a trick from one of her posts that you can seal bags outside the chamber. I use that trick to bag lettuce to give to neighbors. Keeps the lettuce bright and crispy for much longer than normal. You will enjoy it.
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Are the vac bags reasonably priced?
As in could they be used for everyday leftovers?
Also my husband is reading about Sous Vide. Would they be used for this also?
I don't think it makes too much sense to vac-seal leftovers if you know you'll eat them in a day or two - a regular ziplock works fine for that - but if you make a batch of something and want to freeze in portions or just aren't sure you'll eat it quickly, yeah, it's a great use for that. From what I understand chamber sealers work better for liquid things like Bolognese, stews and the like which makes them an even better deal if you do that stuff.
Definitely can use them for SV, too.
Use for sous vide is a go, but I would recommend using at a minimum 3 mil bags or better yet 4 mil.
- 1 like
Nice! After years of wanting a vacuum sealer - and all the bad reviews about Foodsaver - I bought one from and absolutely love it. It gets constant use in our house and hasn’t had a single failure in almost a year.
I wish there were less pricey chamber sealers (I expect there can't be due to their construction ). I don't do the volume of things to justify the price, but they're SO nice. Ah well.
They are pricey but built to last unlike food savers. The real savings come two fold IMHO. First they simply provide a better seal in part because the bagging material is superior to food saver material and secondly the bagging material is so much cheaper. I purchased 3 different size bags that come in a package of 1000 each size. I'l be reordering in the next few months. I would have to take out a home improvement loan to buy that much food saver bagging material and half a dozen food savers
Bighorn Dave - Yeah, it's mostly how I use a vacuum sealer and the fact that I'm single. I don't vacseal all that much stuff and the $100 or under units (I have a Nesco) are fine for how much I do. At under $300 the extra utility, esp the ability to seal up liquid things, would be fine. But $600+ just doesnt make sense for my use case. For others, it absolutely does, of course but it's all about me! Right?
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Founding Member & Pit Barrel Cooker Queen
- Jul 2014
- 7688
My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron GriddleGrill Grate for SnSGrill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:Extreme BBQ Thermometer PackagePit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:Thermapen MK4 (pink)Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
Nice choice! I love mine. I use it at least 3 to 4 times a week.
FWIW, you may want to read the last couple of pages on this topic where the Avid Armor Ultra model is discussed with video links and tips
Up until August 2017 I had a Food Saver Vacuum Sealer that lasted well over 10 years. Then I vac sealed a bag of corn cut off the cob and drowned the innerworkings by mistake. So I
Club Member
- Dec 2018
- 4157
- SE Texas
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." ~Benjamin Franklin
I really want a chamber sealer but I have to wait until the Foodsaver dies. I have some friends whose Foodsavers have bitten the dust but I guess I'm lucky - mine has lasted 5 years and has sealed hundreds of pounds of stuff and shows no signs of quitting yet (but could be any day based on all of the reviews I've read). I started buying generic vac bags on amazon - Foodsaver bags are too expensive.
- Likes 2
I have an old one, too, and it’s giving no signs of quitting.
20+ years ago they made appliances that lasted. Today is the era of disposable appliances. Most things you’re lucky if they last a handful of years. I miss the old days.
The older ones certainly where better. I think the problems I had using a FS had to do with over working it. As an example I would buy two or three whole tenderloin roasts and then cut into steaks, then pack it with the VS. I found sealing multiple items in one setting simply over worked the design standard of the FS sealers I have had in the past.
Like you point out not everyone has the same needs. To make the more costly sealers pay off is using them often.
Nice, that thing looks like an absolute unit. I played chicken with the customer service train and made Foodsaver send me five (5) replacements until I got one that worked perfect and two years later it’s still working great. But when this one goes I know what I’m gonna get.
It’s a shame that companies make crap products and bank on consumers getting fatigued of seeking a solution and just giving up.
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Founding Member & Pit Barrel Cooker Queen
- Jul 2014
- 7688
My toys:
Weber Summit Charcoal Grilling Center (WSCGC) aka Mr. Fancypants
Pit Barrel Cooker (which rocks), named Pretty Baby
Weber Summit S650 Gas Grill, named Hot 'n Fast (used mostly for searing and griddling)
Weber Kettle Premium 22" named Kettle Kid, eager to horn in with more cooks in the future
Camp Chef Somerset IV 4-burner outdoor gas range named AfterBurner due to its 30kBTU burners
Adrenaline BBQ Company Gear:SnS Low Profile, DnG, and Large Charcoal Basket, for WSCGC
SnS Deluxe for 22" Kettle
Elevated SS Rack for WSCGC
SS Rack for DnG
Cast Iron GriddleGrill Grate for SnSGrill Grates: five 17.375 sections (retired to storage)
Grill Grates: six 19.25 panels for exact fit for Summit S650
Grill Grates for 22" Kettle
2 Grill Grate Griddles
Steelmade Griddle for Summit gas grill
Fireboard Gear:Extreme BBQ Thermometer PackagePit Viper Fan (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Additional control unit
Additional probes: Competition Probes 1" (3) and 4" (1), 3 additional Ambient Probes. 1 additional Food Probe
2 Driver Cables
Pit Viper Fan new design (to pair with Fireboard Fan Driver Cable)
Thermoworks Gear:Thermapen MK4 (pink)Maverick ET 73 a little workhorse with limited range
Thermapen Classic (pink too)
Thermoworks MK4 orange
Temp Test 2 Smart Thermometer
Extra Big and Loud Timer
Timestick Trio
Maverick ET 733
Maverick (Ivation) ET 732
Grill Pinz
Vortex (two of them)
18" drip pan for WSCGC
Ceramic Spacers for WSCGC in Kamado Mode: 2 sets each 1/2", 1", 2". The 2" spacers work best with the 18" drip pan. The 1+1/2 inch spacers work best with the 14 inch cake pan.
Two Joule Sous Vide devices
3 Lipavi Sous Vide Tubs with Lids: 12, 18 and 26 quarts
Avid Armor Ultra Pro V32 Chamber Sealer
Instant Pot 6 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Instant Pot 10 Quart Electric Pressure Cooker
Charcoal Companion TurboQue
A-Maze-N tube 12 inch tube smoker accessory for use with pellets
BBQ Dragon and Dragon Chimney
Shun Classic Series:8" Chef Knife
6" Chef's Knife
Gokujo Boning and Fillet Knife
3 1/2 inch Paring Knife
I had the same experience with FoodSaver, jhapka . I went through several replacement units and not one of them was as reliable as my original 17 year old Foodsaver that had finally died. I bought a new Foodsaver that didn't last 3 months even. Foodsaver was great about sending replacements, but each one of them died after a few months. I got tired of the unpredictability of each successive replacement and finally gave up on Foodsaver vacuum sealers altogether. I wasn't as patient as you; I gave up after the 3rd replacement.
KathrynLast edited by fzxdoc; December 17, 2021, 06:20 PM.
I don’t think I used my food saver enough for it to actually break. I bought it with the intention of repackaging bulk meat and left over BBQ. When I actually thought about it though the amount of money I saved on the meat was mostly being eaten up by the cost of the bag. The bags for chamber vacs are so cheap - only a penny or two, usually, that not only is it cost efficient for me to repackage meat but I also use it for a lot more than the foodsaver because it’s cheap enough to use for prepped meals or prepped ingredients that I’ll be using later in the week. Also works great for marinades or even bagging soup.
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