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Buying My Best..and Last..Knife Set - Help Me Spend My Money Please 🙄

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    Buying My Best..and Last..Knife Set - Help Me Spend My Money Please 🙄

    I’ve been thinking about finally getting my dream set of knives. I currently have a set of Zwilling J.A. Henckels I bought at Bed Bath and Beyond many years ago, before that I probably had a set of knives from Walmart. The Henckels aren’t that bad I guess, for a $150. set of knives. But now I want the best, or close to it. I don’t plan on ever buying another set after this, so I don’t mind spending the money. Plus, I saved a lot by buying a cheap ass wok and blender. 🥸

    From lurking in the background on certain posts, I know a lot of you are keen on Wusthoff and Dalstrong, and a couple others. I want a block set which includes the steak knives and the most commonly used kitchen knives. I also prefer the look of a wood block to hold them. I’m seriously considering this set of Wusthoff’s in the picture. I was looking around at the Dalstrong’s as well, but didn’t see exactly what I’m looking for. Any recommendations around this price?

    Click image for larger version

Name:	76BF459C-E226-4D66-91D7-EB234C8C9812.png
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ID:	1153232

    Far be it for me to dissuade you from spending lots of money, but I have read generally the recommendation is to buy upgraded knives for the type you use the most. Would you be regularly using all of the knives there or can we take some savings and buy even better individual knives?

    Or you know, something like this:
    Last edited by STEbbq; January 2, 2022, 04:46 PM.


    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      Jim, everything but the slicer is in there.

    • texastweeter
      texastweeter commented
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      jfmorris I also like a fillet knife, a breaking knife,, a serrated paring knife, a cleaver, and either a vegetable cleaver or a santaku in my sets.

    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      Panhead John it has no boning or fillet knife…

    Dont buy a knife block set.

    spend money on the individual knives you’ll use most often.

    plus, knife blocks aren’t necessarily good for knife storage. They’re better stored in a drawer, perhaps with knife guards on them


    • jfmorris
      jfmorris commented
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      I will second this advice.

    • texastweeter
      texastweeter commented
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      Store them in the block upside down just be sure they are dry. They also have blocks that are oriented horizontal rather than vertically.

    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      I store my knives in the block with the cutting edge up, except for the steak knives. I’d like to find the knives I use most all in a set, which this one has. It doesn’t have a slicer though.

    As above. Sets give you knives you may never use. You might spend a little more but you'll have what you need. I have some of the Wusthof brand and like them.

    Burglary is up here. Must be in Texas also. You're spending alot of money lately!
    Last edited by ofelles; January 2, 2022, 04:57 PM.


    • Panhead John
      Panhead John commented
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      It’s common knowledge that I’m a wealthy hedge fund investor.
      Last edited by Panhead John; January 2, 2022, 07:37 PM.

    I think you should buy the knives that you use most often.


      I can't help with recommendations but why don't you add plastic knives to your paper plates collection?


      • texastweeter
        texastweeter commented
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        Clear or white?

      • RichieB
        RichieB commented
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        Actually I lean to multi color. You know, Red white and blue for the 4th. Then red and green for Christmas. And let's not forget orange and black for Halloween. So many ideas. If Panhead John is looking for a creative director I'm available.

      All knives go dull at some point no matter how much you spend on them. Have a place/shop to sharpen your knives, or buy a knife sharpening system and do it yourself.


      • Panhead John
        Panhead John commented
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        Hell, I’ll just go to Walmart then.

      • Mr. Bones
        Mr. Bones commented
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        Major Buzzkill!

      • Rob whatever
        Rob whatever commented
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        Knives will remain sharp for a long period of time if you hone them before each use. I mean for many years. Learned this from a Wustoff dude who ran a seminar.

      This is what I have, had originally only purchased the Wusthof Classic Chef’s knife, Nakiri and one of the pairing knives and added the Pro Brisket slicer later. I was then working for a guy who wanted a Shun knife set so he sold me the rest of the Wusthof’s I have for a $100. Couldn’t pas it up. I do use all of them, but only because I have them. Really could have gotten by with 7 knives total, not including steak knives. I do like them a lot, they feel good in my hands and sharpen well using an E5 Work Sharp. I think knives r really personal preference kind of tool. Good luck with ur choice.
      Attached Files


        These are good, TV doesn't lie....

        Click image for larger version

Name:	Ginsu-Knives-1980s.jpg
Views:	503
Size:	23.4 KB
ID:	1153265


        • FireMan
          FireMan commented
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          Hey it cuts a tomato! Wow!

        The dahlstrong gladiators are some serious knives for the money. I think they do a 5 piece set which is pretty much all you need. Feel free to spend a grand but i personally dont think you need to.


        • treesmacker
          treesmacker commented
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          This set includes 6x steak knives... at $399 you would have enough to buy a really good sharpener and have a bunch of money left over for other MCS, or to send me a set. Personally, I'd love to have this set...

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          I am most happy with th Dahlstrong I have...Same can be said fer th Shuns.

        • Bogy
          Bogy commented
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          treesmacker I also love the bird's beak paring knife. It's probably the knife I grab the most often. I do have the $399 Gladiator set, but I got it for $99 at 1 am when Amazon screwed up for a few hours. I felt really bad the next morning when I found it it was a screwup, and Dahlstrong was going to have to eat the loss. When Amazon admitted they were the ones who blew it, and Bezos was going to be the one eating it, I felt fine and have enjoyed the knives. Thanks Jeff!

        I have a three good knife sets (two are Damascus) but this is the knife I use the most: from youtuber Sam the Cooking Guy. I use it almost all of the time. I like the shape and feel of it, holds an edge, and so far I've only had to hone the edge occasionally. I think of it as a universal knife. I like my other knives and I do use them but if I had to I could get by with this and a paring knife and nothing else:

        I also have a set of Misen knives that I really like.

        Click image for larger version  Name:	STCGNAKIRIKNIFE_6_900x.jpg Views:	0 Size:	168.1 KB ID:	1153276
        Last edited by 58limited; January 2, 2022, 06:25 PM.


        • Michael_in_TX
          Michael_in_TX commented
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          I have come so close to buying that exact knife. I'm just so used to a santoku (20+ years) that a nakiri might just feel weird in my hand. (And, after initially disliking him, I have really warmed up to STCG and his videos have significantly, without question, improved my cooking.)

        • 58limited
          58limited commented
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          I enjoy his videos, especially when he and his son argue.

        • Mr. Bones
          Mr. Bones commented
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          LOL I have two of those, use em alla th time, I'm Verklempt, over here!

        Personally, I would opt to buy one at a time, perhaps from different makers, over buying a whole set.
        Last edited by Attjack; January 2, 2022, 07:37 PM.


          If you want a block set, stay with henkles but get the better ones. They have many that are on par or IMO better than whustof. Dastrong are ok, but not as good as high end henkles or whustof. Something like these.

          ZWILLING Pro 16-pc Knife Block Set - Acacia

          if you like a knife with a bolster that goes all the way down to the heel, get the pro s version.


            Panhead John I hate to see you spend crazy money on a block knife set. When you get down to brass tacks, what is in that set is the following:

            - 1 Kitchen scissors
            - 6 Steak Knives
            - 6 other assorted knives
            - 1 honing steel

            That is insane money for that stuff. It doesn't include a good slicer - maybe you already have one. For me, I think you would be better served getting a set of high quality knives from someone like Misen (I really like their stuff). Their "essentials" set is $150 for 3 pieces, $250 for 5, and you often find them offering discounts. Then invest in a high quality 12" slicer (I love my Victorinox granton blade slicer for $60), Oxo kitchen scissors AND Oxo poultry sheers, and finally a set of much cheaper steak knives. For carving work I use inexpensive but very sharp boning and filley knives that I highly recommend, and can dig up if you want. Get a honing steel if you want (I have a Winco 14" one). But most importantly, get a good sharpening system - I have the Worksharp Ken Onion angle set sharpener. All told you will be much better off, have better knives, and spend 1/3 to 1/2 of what you are talking about.

            For storage I am betting you COULD find a block to keep it all in. Amazon sells an assortment of bamboo or wood knife blocks (knives not included) to hold knives you already have.

            I have two of these to organize my knife drawer:

            And I keep my 12" slicer in a edge guard like this:

            For cheap steak knifes, I like these - we've been using them for several years:

            I plan to eventually get that Misen set of kitchen knives, but don't laugh - right now I have an Amazon Basics knife set that is rainbow colored, and kept sharp as needed by the sharpening, and has done good for several years:

            I wanted to end this post with a laugh at that multi colored knife set... and to be honest, my signifcant other is an abuser of knives. She cuts on the ceramic counter top, on glass plates, and other hard surfaces that tend to curl over the edge of the blade. That is another reason in my case for a cheap knife set. But with the Worksharp, I can keep them all in working order with a little TLC from time to time.
            Last edited by jfmorris; January 2, 2022, 05:45 PM.


            • texastweeter
              texastweeter commented
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              I have the ken onion workshop too. Haven't opened up my whetstone kit in forever, and the local knife sharpener probably thinks I am dead.

            • jfmorris
              jfmorris commented
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              Last time I went to a sharpening service was when I needed the blades/knives for a planer that I borrowed from my father in law sharpened. When I borrowed it the blades were like butter knifes, when I returned it they were like razor blades.

            • Panhead John
              Panhead John commented
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              I think you went and got the big head cause I bought your blender recommendation. 😂 I have a good sharpener, the Work Sharp E 5. What I was planning on doing was bringing the Henckels to Mom’s house to use when I visit.
              Last edited by Panhead John; January 3, 2022, 07:22 AM.

            I like my Hammerstahls
            Last edited by CaptainMike; January 2, 2022, 06:14 PM.


            • klflowers
              klflowers commented
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              I am a hammerstahl fan too

            • SheilaAnn
              SheilaAnn commented
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              I have two of these knives. Use them all the time. Mine have the wood/tang handle (I have seen other versions at trade shows). The wood was getting dull and a little dab of Spinaker board rub and they look good as new!

            • CaptainMike
              CaptainMike commented
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              They do keep a nice edge and a few swipes on a steel gets then going again nicely. And they hold up well with other household member's.....uh.... use as well!


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